Dodgen Appropriations Committee
The Appropriations Committee reviews all grant requests submitted by the teachers. The Appropriations’ money is used to promote programs and further education that benefits the health, safety, education and welfare of Dodgen students per the PTSA guidelines. Requested items should benefit as many students as possible.
Starting in the 2024-2025 school year, the PTSA and Foundations began streamlining the grant request process and holding joint meetings to approve appropriations. The Appropriations Committee consists of PTSA members, Foundation Board Members, Dodgen staff/administration and parents.
If you have an item that you feel the students would benefit from, please submit a grant request for Appropriations and the Foundation to review.
Grant Form:
Click here to fill out the online Appropriations Grant Request form.
Meeting Dates:
Meetings are scheduled and published at the start of the school year. For a list of future and past dates, see below.
- September 13th (submission deadline September 12th, 4pm)
- November 8th (submission deadline November 7th, 4pm)
Submission Guidelines:
- Please complete the Grant Request form (link above). The more information you provide the Committee, the fewer unknowns and questions we will have.
- Please attach pictures, catalog pages, product descriptions and how the product will be used to benefit the greatest number of students.
- If requesting software or an online subscription, it must be software that has already been approved by Cobb County.
- You can also place any additional information in the PTSA mailbox labeled "Appropriations Requests" no later than the request deadline listed for the meeting.
The Committee will take one of three actions with any submitted request:
- Approve
- Deny
- Table the request to further gather information or consider
The Committee will email the action taken on your request within a week of the meeting. The committee will not be reviewing requests between meetings via email, as this does not allow for the committee to collaborate, ask questions or discuss relevant information.
If you have any questions, please contact