Asynchronous Learning Day


On these three days, you can expect for: 

  • Students to work independently at home 
  • Teachers will have reviewed expectations with students the day before. 
  • Teachers will not host live, face-to-face instruction on these days. Instead, they will provide “asynchronous” instruction that may include a pre-recorded video, independent learning activity, or review lesson. 
  • Students will work from home on teacher-created assignments, which will be communicated and available within CTLS. 

Your student will also be given a 30-minute assignment for each class based on their specific learning targets. 

This assignment may include the following: 

  • Optional pre-recorded video (6–10 minutes in length) 
  • Shared article 
  • Summary questions 

Teachers will be available for questions and feedback each day, and lessons and assignments can be completed anytime during the school day.

Monday, March 4, 2024